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The 100 Greatest Mathematicians - fabpedigree.com
At some point a longer list will become a List of Great Mathematicians rather than a List of Greatest Mathematicians. I've expanded my original List of Thirty to an even Hundred, but you may prefer to reduce it to a Top Seventy, Top Sixty, Top Fifty, Top Forty or Top Thirty list, or even Top Twenty, Top Fifteen or Top Ten List.
eksisozluk.com - ekşi sözlük - kutsal bilgi kaynağı
doğru mu anlamışım ? kadın hesap ödeyecek. "erkeği" mahcûb olmasın diye çaktırmadan parayı ya da kredi kartını adama veriyor ve adam hesap ödemeye gidiyor. bu da artıbir değer olarak adlandırılıyor. kaliteli kadın sıfatına uygun görülüyor. yemin ederim bundan daha utanç verici bir sey okumamıştım.
Fernsehserien von A bis Z: Buchstabe D – fernsehserien.de
Pierre M. Krause besucht Isabel Varell, Joey Kelly und Fritz Wepper Neue Staffel von „Krause kommt!“ im SWR Fernsehen
Claes Johnson on Mathematics and Science
If this is the truth, no wonder that modern physics is in a state of crisis. But Sabine's criticism of modern physics appears well founded and thus admirable.
Super Star - Super Mario Wiki, the Mario encyclopedia
Starmen made their debut in the game Super Mario Bros.. It is a very rare item, only found in some levels. When Mario or Luigi get it, they will turn invincible, allowing them to destroy enemies and go through hazards without getting hurt (though they will still lose a life if they fall in a pit or run out of time).
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